Give to Other UWCs

Give to other UWCs

Looking to Give to Another UWC? Click here!

If you are a U.S. taxpayer, you may make donations to the UWC movement and receive a charitable gift tax deduction in the United States through UWC International’s Myriad USA account. You can make a one-time or recurring donation to the UWC movement by clicking here. Please click on the Add a Note tickbox and write which UWC school, college, national committee, or dedicated fund (such as the UWC Refugee Initiative) you’d like the gift to be allocated to. You can donate via a variety of means, but we recommend bank transfer as the most cost efficient option. 

Group of Students Holding Hands While Walking

"Now each conflict or piece of news from other parts of the world has a face and a story attached to it. The relationships I have formed on this campus are deeper than any I have had in my life. There is not only a closeness to individuals but a closeness to their culture and a greater understanding of the ideas and traditions in their home country."