Renaitre Card


Jagoda Sokolowska ’20 saw a problem.

Fast fashion, the mass production of cheap clothing, contributes to a culture of waste. Mass produced out of cheap materials, consumers buy far more than they need and the environmental impact of the production and disposal of these garments is significant.

Jagoda and several of her friends proposed a solution: They organized a sustainable fashion show, Renaitre, featuring donated garments that had been creatively redesigned giving them magnificent new lives. The students held the show in Las Vegas and invited community members to attend.

• raised awareness about a problem others on campus knew little about.
• employed creativity and skills she developed at UWC-USA to engage the Las Vegas community.
• united her peers behind her vision and worked hard to make Renaitre happen.
• lived the UWC mission in her passion and work.

Another show is planned for the spring of 2020.

You can support projects like this by making a donation to the Annual Fund. Donations will go toward the $2 million Davis Family Challenge Grant goal that can unlock an additional $2 million in support for scholarships and programs.


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