The 2019 CROP Hunger Walk for Las Vegas, N.M., raised $10,139, surpassing its $10,000 goal.
Held on Oct. 26 on the Montezuma campus, the event included 210 participants who collected pledges to complete either a 1- or 3-mile walk, Swinton said.
In related matters, UWC-USA students held a mock Oxfam Hunger Banquet a few days before the CROP Walk, which gave them a hands-on lesson on how one’s income translates into how well one eats.
During the banquet, students and employees were assigned to a different social background to participate in a simulation of global hunger inequality. Everyone was randomly chosen to have a lunch that might be typical for low-, middle- and high-income earners.
Of the estimated 260 participants, 70 percent were in the low-income group, 20 percent in the middle-income and 10 percent in the resource-rich group
“We tried to imitate the real-world class-distribution as much as possible with our limited resources,” said one of the event’s organizers, Vicky Wang ’20, USA-Fla.
The resource-poor had beans and rice. The resource-medium had chicken, broccoli, rice, and brownies. The resource-rich had salads, beef, fruits, and a much wider variety of choices. Each group had something to drink, but simply a wider variety was given to resource-rich.
Oxfam is a global organization working to end the injustice of poverty and help people build better futures, hold the powerful accountable, and save lives in disasters. Started in 1974, the Oxfam Hunger Banquet gives everyone the opportunity to make a difference, both locally and globally. The banquets are volunteer-led interactive events that bring statistics about poverty to life.